Board approves election results, summer lunch program, new hires

Seeley Lake Elementary School Board

SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Elementary School Board unanimously approved a canvass of the election results for the general fund levy during its regular meeting Monday, May 17. During the meeting the Board also approved the school’s 2021 Summer Lunch program, new hires and talked about updates to the School Improvement Plan.

Superintendent Josh Gibbs said the levy passed but by “a very narrow margin.” A total of 990 ballots were submitted, 887 of which were accepted. Of those 887 votes, 452 were in favor while 418 were opposed. The remaining 17 votes did not vote on this issue. The turnout for this election was nearly 54%.

The Board voted to certify the election by acclamation of Kyle Marx for School District 34.

During the Board reorganization, Board members unanimously voted to retain Kyle Marx, Doc Welter and Heather Mincey in their respective positions of chair, vice chair and district clerk.

For the school’s 2021 Summer Lunch Program, administrators sent out a survey in which they received responses from 62 kids that showed interest in receiving lunch boxes over the summer. This program would be federally funded and at no cost to participants 18 and under. Children that are visiting are also eligible to receive a complimentary lunch as long as the school is informed by a certain date.

During his report, Gibbs provided updates on the School Improvement Plan. The School Improvement Team finished their curriculum inventory and developed a list of subject areas they are looking to improve. They identified science and social studies as requiring reformation especially for the younger grade levels. Writing was also mentioned in the analysis. Their technology inventory has been pushed back until at least June.

Gibbs said they have not had any new COVID-19 cases since the school rescinded their mask mandate May 5.

Gibbs also announced the beginning of their Summer Outdoor Adventure Club which will run three days a week June 22- Aug. 19. Students will participate in an art camp and will take lessons intended to enhance their reading and math skills.

SLE’s summer school program will run July 19-Aug. 11. Classes will run two hours a day on Mondays and Wednesdays although Gibbs said they may consider expanding them. The school building will be open in the summer from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday.

The Board voted to postpone policy updates for their 3000 series to a later meeting due to the bulk of the material.

The Board voted unanimously to hire teachers Brian Murakami for fifth grade and Alexis Higareda for fourth grade. Both are currently waiting to have their backgrounds cleared.

The Board unanimously approved the following:

• All of the 2021-2022 classified and administrative contracts including Laura Devins as the transitional kindergarten teacher for next year. While she was approved, Karmen Braulik submitted her two week resignation.

• The hiring of Summer Outdoor Adventure Club helpers Eric Lorentz, Laura Devins and Shelby Holmes.

• A 2021-2022 health insurance renewal with Montana Unified School Trust (MUST).

• Appointing Gibbs as the school’s 2021-2022 County Transportation Committee. Trustee Gary Wayne abstained to avoid a conflict of interest since he works for Conley Transportation.

• The 2021-2022 Seeley Lake/Swan Valley contract.

• The 2022 election contract with Missoula County.

The next meeting will take place in the school gym at 5:30 p.m. Monday, June 21.


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