Staffing changes and vaccination updates

Seeley-Swan Hospital District

SEELEY LAKE – The Seeley-Swan Hospital District learned of staffing changes and received a vaccination update from Partnership Health Center at their May 11 meeting.

PHC hired Georgiann McCoy as the new Seeley-Swan Medical Center Satellite Manager to fill Karen Ayers position.

“We feel that the expertise that she brings to that position is going to be exactly what we need to be able to move into the future,” PHC representative Abby Berow said.

Due to her new position, McCoy can no longer serve on the Hospital District board. The board is seeking someone to appoint to fill her term through May 31, 2023. The remaining members will appoint the vacancy that will be approved by the commissioners. Anyone interested in serving on the board is encouraged to contact Chair Twyla Johnson or Vice Chair Bruce Richardson.

Berow also said PHC will begin offering the Johnson and Johnson vaccine at the Missoula Clinic starting May 17. While they are still working through the logistics, they are hoping to bring members of the vaccine team up to Seeley Lake once a week to offer the vaccination at the Medical Center.

“We’ve continued to hear that is a need in that community and we want to be able to meet that need,” Berow said.

Berow added that if they are able to offer the J&J vaccine in Seeley Lake, it would be for established patients only and not be open to the general public.

Berow added PHC wrapped up their mass vaccination clinics May 11. PHC administered 17,231 vaccinates from the mobile clinics.

The next meeting is June 8 at 5 p.m. via conference call.


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