Public participation encouraged in Community Needs Survey

Missoula County is seeking input to help identify needs and gaps in the community related to public infrastructure and facilities, economic development, housing, human services and COVID-19 response and recovery efforts.

The Community and Planning Services Grants and Community Programs division conducts an annual community needs assessment to gauge the community’s interests and funding priorities. The needs assessment is the first step in determining how to effectively use potential state and federal funds and to ensure that community development projects reflect community needs.

The public is invited to fill out a brief and anonymous survey online at The survey will be open through Wednesday, May 19. The results will be presented from 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 25 during a virtual Microsoft Teams public meeting. Member of the public and news media can join the meeting via Microsoft Teams or by calling 406-272-4824, Phone Conference ID: 621 101 552#

Comments may be given orally at the public meeting or in writing by Friday, May 28. Written comments must be submitted to

“This year’s assessment will focus on housing priorities to assist in developing an affordable housing strategy for Missoula County,” Grants Administrator Kayla Talbert said. “Public participation and feedback is vital to help staff determine the best use of grant funding.”

Missoula County may apply for funding from the Montana Community Development Block Grant Program or HOME Investment Partnerships Program (federal funding administered by the Montana Department of Commerce) and other state and federal funding sources to support local housing, public facilities/infrastructure or other community needs.

Previous funding has supported partial construction costs of the Poverello Center and the new YWCA Family Housing Center - The Meadowlark, wastewater system updates in East Missoula and an updated wastewater system for the resident-owned Buena Vista trailer court near the airport.

For questions related to the affordable housing strategy, please contact Housing Specialist Jordan Lyons at


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