Prescribed burns planned in Blackfoot Valley

 The Nature Conservancy and partners plan to conduct and/or assist with prescribed fires in the Blackfoot Valley this spring. The burns are part of TNC's ongoing forest restoration work which includes timber harvest and thinning. 

The primary purpose of the burns and our other forest restoration work is to reduce the risk of high severity fires in these forests. This will include reducing the woody debris that has accumulated and could feed a fire that would threaten nearby communities. The burns will improve forest health and the quality and amount of wildlife forage such as bunchgrasses, chokecherry and serviceberry.

The burns will take place only if conditions allow it to proceed safely. This includes measures to reduce the impacts of smoke on nearby communities.

Trained fire crews from TNC, local state and federal agencies as well as other partners will conduct the burns.

For the safety of the public and the burn crews, areas and roads near burn units may be temporarily closed to the public.


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