Sewer budget and assessment

Sewer Talk

Each year there is confusion regarding the budget for the Sewer District and the Annual Assessment Methodology that is sent to property owners with the cost of the assessment per parcel. I hope to explain the relationship between the two items and point out ways to be involved and give the Board input on the budget and plan of work before the budget is adopted.

As you know, the qualified electors did not approve the bonds required to repay the loan portion of the project the District has been working toward for years. Therefore, at the March 18 meeting, I presented the Board of Directors with a draft budget that covered the basics only. It reduced the board meetings to four times per year; required less secretarial and bookkeeping costs; reduced the need for legal counsel; included minimal time for a manager; kept the website, post office box and other means of communicating with the public; and included an estimated $10,000 in liability insurance because with the District’s history of lawsuits, we will be considered a high risk. At the April meeting, we hope to have bids on the insurance.

However, the Board had an ambitious plan of work for the upcoming year to study and evaluate options to remedy wastewater issues in the District. They plan to meet monthly; have five additional monitoring wells drilled and monitored; and study and evaluate alternative systems such as septic systems that serve clusters of properties. The District does not have any grant funds to do this work so the draft FY22 budget they are bringing to the April meeting to consider adopting is $126,352. There was no discussion of using professional engineers to prepare an engineering study. The plan is for board members and other volunteers to do the research and analysis.

Once a budget is adopted, the Board will choose the assessment methodology to spread the costs. There are several methods allowed by law. Last year the board chose to use the taxable value of the land minus the improvements. They will be deciding the assessment methodology at the April meeting, too.

The Board welcomes your input on their proposed workplan, the annual budget and the method of assessment. Your voice is needed and will impact what the Board does this next year and the annual assessment that will be added to your property tax bill.

You can join the meeting by Zoom on your phone or computer (the link will be on the website) or email comments to the Board at

Jean Curtiss, District Manager Seeley Lake Sewer District • 406-370-0393


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