Can we agree on one thing?

I can’t believe what is happening to our country. My father was in the Army in World War I. I lost cousins at Normandy in World War II. I joined the Marine Corp and served in Korea. I am saddened to think of the many American men and women who gave their lives and limbs to keep our freedom as promised by our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, not to be altered, misinterpreted or just ignored by the president, speakers of the House and Senate and all its members.

We have 40,000 homeless veterans in our country. But rather than address this, the president chooses to ignore them and open the borders to a huge uncontrollable problem with thousands of illegal immigrants. Some are living in hotels and others are being bused around our country.

We have a president who is very ill. He was put in office by a bunch of socialist people who knew they could manipulate him. Now they want to change everything they can to ensure their party can rule as a socialist leadership. Yeah, I said rule!

Pelosi and her group of morons spent four years trying to impeach our president and it finally got to a vote by the Senate after the president was no longer in office. By the way, Tester, who hopefully will serve his last term as a senator with his Democratic buddies in Washington, D.C., voted to impeach the president even after he was no longer president. He will likely continue to vote along party lines. When will all the crap stop? Will it or can it?

I will share some thoughts. I keep hearing that the country is being pushed into a revolution. People are losing their jobs. The government is putting the entire country at risk by shipping undocumented people from an open border all over our country. It is putting our country in debt by the trillions of dollars. Taxing our businesses raising it from 13% to 23%.

No wonder they want to crush the Bill of Rights. The Constitution means nothing to these morons. The second amendment will be on the table soon - disarmed Americans will be easier to rule. With the help of the jerks from Silicon Valley and the major fake news media, we will be fed news as only to their wishes.

My thoughts are mine and I respect those who do not agree. However, I hope you do agree when we say God Bless America!


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