Who is leading America?

Since when did we elect these so-called scientists to rule America? These scientists tell us to wear masks at all times and now two or three masks. Many elected officials go along with this.

Just the thought of putting a mask on a child terrifies and makes me angry. Lack of oxygen can cause brain damage or heart problems to our children. It is called child abuse.

What about those of us with COPD and asthma or congestive heart failure and heart disease? We need all the oxygen we can get. These so-called scientists and some elected officials know this but do not care that masks could mean death to some. I have had two asthma attacks from wearing a mask.

Citizens of America are being arrested, jailed and fined for not wearing a mask and yet black lives matter and Antifa can burn, beat, loot and kill and not even get arrested. Shameful!

There are a lot of good scientists that have come out against all of the ridiculous shutdowns and masks but their voices were silenced by big tech, left-wing media and politicians.

Our Republican Governor has lifted the mask mandate but certain county officials still want power over us. Thank God for our Governor.

It is time for America to take back our constitutional freedoms and open up America and stop this ridiculous nonsense.

Then there is the issue of Biden’s open border. Biden’s policy has allowed the cartels and human traffickers to molest women and children and to illegally bring them into America for prostitution. That is the same as the slave trade of our past. The officials at the border know this but Biden has tied their hands.

In my opinion, Biden is promoting, encouraging, responsible for and guilty of slavery. Those who voted for Biden and the rest of us also have to carry the burden of this abomination. May God have mercy on us and help some to rescue these abused women and children.


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