In God we trust

The Constitution of the United States sets America apart from all other countries. For the first time in the history of humanity the individual becomes more important than the state. American’s were given the right to self govern.

The founding fathers believed these rights came from God, not from a King, not from the government, not even from the constitution. The constitution was written to limit the state’s authority and to secure the individual’s God-given rights.

Nearly 50 years ago the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional for New York children, while in school, to acknowledge their dependence on God and ask for his blessings. Today, organized prayer is banned in all public schools. Every year there are more attempts to remove Biblical references from our culture. This is an attempt to remove God from his historical place as the giver of human rights.

Politicians, today, are creating laws that will enable the state to become the supreme authority. The government is becoming more important than the individual.

President Calvin Coolidge wrote, ‘’The foundations of our society and our government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country.”

Withhold from the children for one generation the truth of rights endowed by the creator, and our constitution could be altered and our freedom voted away without citizens ever knowing the cause of their slavery. A nation that forgets its past, does not know where it is or where it is headed.

Few recognize and understand the importance-of the truth that our nation, our courts, our government structure and our freedoms were based on God and His word.

It is every individual’s responsibility to study and learn the constitution. Its wisdom comes from the Bible. It is God’s greatest gift to us.

Every citizen, the churches in which they are involved, and the political parties of which they are part, should be actively standing for individual rights and traditional values. When men do not protect and defend the constitution, they are dishonoring God.

We must never forget the people built America, not the government.


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