Put on your skates, this roller coaster will have you short of breath and sprinting in Gwen Florio's shoes as she tells the tale of a her new series detective Nora Best in "Best Laid Plans." Best is racing away from her husband, her job and home to run right into murder! And she's a suspect, jailed and out to hang.
Fleeing from Denver and her cheating husband through the night in her bright new Airstream, Best arrives at an empty RV Park in Wyoming to face a new group of friends coping with their own problems in the camping cowboy wild, with its cowboy sheriff, bears, murdered long distance drivers in their cabs and a new being, the 'lot lizard.' Caleb, the local Ranger, arrives to begin the support crew and look for the killer bear, and the local eager beaver newspaper woman turns up to join the sheriff and reveal in tomorrow's paper Nora's cover, the one thing she didn't need.
Best is treading water, alone and short of breath and short of money, fearing the bears and not knowing how to proceed with her life, when hubby arrives to wrestle his way back into her life and not on his knees. He wants the camper, she sham-sells the camper to her new friend for a dollar, and that's a mistake, it goes on and on. Things get considerably worse for Best with court appearances, a bad lawyer, theft of her much beloved Airstream, husband involvement, more bear stories... Eventually Best worms her way out of all the problems but not until we see more murders, no bears and a denouement extraordinaire!
Alpine Artisans, Inc's Open Book Club will host Florio March 20 at 7 p.m. via Zoom where Richard Fifield, author of "The Flood Girls," will interview her. Register for this free event at https://www.alpineartisans.org/open-book-club.
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