Board updates policies

Swan Valley School Board

SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Elementary School Board unanimously voted to approve a second reading of board policies regarding marijuana at their monthly board meeting Tuesday, March 9.

The policies exclusively had to do with consumption and possession of marijuana on school grounds. While recreational usage was legalized in Montana during the 2020 election, it will still be against school policy to possess or use the substance on school grounds. The main changes made were mostly wording clarification.

Principal Ralph King announced that all school staff now have the opportunity to receive a vaccine for COVID-19 thanks to a Federal order from President Joe Biden.

King also provided facility updates. He said blue light covers were being installed in the third through fifth grade classroom to tone down light glare. Future maintenance projects could include replacing a boys’ bathroom faucet cartridge as well as ceiling tiles in the junior high hallway.

King will be gone the week after spring break through March 26. Colleen Harrington will be the acting principal in his place.

A discussion and consideration of staff raises were tabled until April.

The Board is currently searching for residents to fill two, three-year term positions on the School Board. As of March 12 no one has applied for the positions. The filing deadline with Missoula County Elections is at 5 p.m. March 25.

In other business, the Board unanimously approved the following measures:

• Teacher letters of intent for FY 2022 for Chris Mauldin, Jamie Matthew and Harrington.

• Hiring track coaches Judd Binley for head coach and Danni Parcell for assistant coach. Track season will begin after spring break.

• A resolution to run a 2021-2022 building reserve fund, tuition fund and transportation permissive levies.

• A technology and testing coordinator stipend.

The next school board meeting will take place at 7 p.m. April 20.


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