Join us in the political process

Legislative Update - Senate District 46

The legislative process is a fast and furious one in our state. Senators and representatives only come together for 90 days every two years and we are just over halfway through our time this session.

In the upcoming weeks, I strongly encourage you to visit to look up bills by any topic: education, taxes, transportation, you name it! From that website, you can email legislators who are on the committees that you might be interested in and you can also sign up to speak to any bill you'd like. You can give testimony via zoom or you can travel to Helena and speak to a bill in committee.

If you have any trouble or want to speak with someone, you can call Legislative Services at 406-444-3064. You are always welcome to call me on my cell phone at 406-274-3805.

All this having been said, you voted me into this position to represent you, so I'll keep doing my part to work for good jobs and a strong economy. Among other things, we are working on broadband, education, fair taxes and access to good healthcare. I'm also focused on basic human dignity, so we can have earnest discussions about what is best for you.

Twice a month I have a listening session for rural constituents via zoom for anyone interested in sharing their perspectives that way. Please email me at if you would like to participate and I'll make sure you get the meeting link.

Thank you so much for this opportunity to serve you.


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