Community Foundation shares updates on grant funds

SEELEY LAKE - Claire Muller, Seeley Lake Community Foundation, executive director, gave updates on how the funding from the $2,000 Reimagining Rural grant was distributed.

The original plan was to use the majority of the funding towards providing complementary outdoor Christmas lights to Seeley Lake businesses and homeowners with the remainder going to general Winterfest expenses. Those who took the lights do not have to return them to the Foundation and can reuse them for years to come.

Muller said they spent almost $1,300 on lights with another near $250 spent on snowplowing the parking lot at Camp Paxson for the History Snow Walk n’ Talk. The rest will be put towards maintaining the community’s online digital calendar on

Muller said the Seeley Swan Pathfinder administers the events’ website. This will help offset the cost for the yearly fee. She estimates that it costs $700 annually to maintain the service through GatherBoard.

“I think [this digital calendar is] a really amazing community-wide service … that lists all of the events happening all throughout town,” Muller said. “That was my idea at Reimagining Rural. … We have this community cost of this digital calendar, we should just use this money to pay for this community cost because otherwise … if we don’t use the money for this, then everybody is going to have to pay for that calendar in a different way.”


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