Calling Gianforte's actions on the carpet

Dear Greg,

You are now the leader of a group of Montanans (and Montana wannabes like you) who think wearing a necktie, which serves no purpose, is more important than wearing a mask in a pandemic, which saves lives. In addition, you are the leader of those who profess less government (except for those not in the group), lower taxes for corporations and the wealthy (which should, but never does, trickle down to the masses - refer to Michigan and Kansas) and personal responsibility.

I suggest you and your clan put your actions where your mouth is and revoke all laws that infringe on personal liberty - such as getting between anyone and their doctor, sports programs and athletes, deciding whether a union member has money taken from their bank account or directly from their paycheck, and - let's go for broke here - eliminate speed limits. I'm sure you believe that all Montanans would drive at appropriate speeds.

You either believe what you say, or you don't. While you aren't a Montanan, you could try to act like one.

PS: There is no such thing as "right to work". It actually is "RIGHT TO TERMINATE AT WILL."


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