Community Foundation awards 2021 grants to local groups

SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Community Foundation (SLCF) helps local groups fund important community projects. In this capacity, the SLCF strives to be a community resource and catalyst for innovative approaches to improving the quality of life in Seeley Lake.

We’re pleased to announce the 2021 SLCF Community Grants, awarded to projects benefitting Seeley Lake:

• $1,575 to Recycling Works to start a Rural Glass Recycling Project in Seeley Lake, with a local glass drop-off location open to the public and emptied regularly.

• $2,425 to Seeley Lake Elementary School to purchase Orff instruments that are built especially for children and are a basic component of strong music programs, allowing students to learn concepts like rhythm, tempo, dynamics and pitch through singing and playing instruments at their own level.

• $1,000 to Clearwater Resource Council to help purchase a hydrolab, which will be used to analyze baseline data to track water quality trends over time in five lakes in the valley.

• $500 to Loving Hearts to support remodeling projects in their busy thrift store, where proceeds support those in need in our community.

• $500 to Sparrow’s Vine to fund a Free Family Photo project, providing a quality professional family photo for as many local families as possible.

• $1,000 to Veterans and Families of Seeley Lake to help with construction of a covered kiosk at the current Seeley Lake Memorial Garden. The structure will weather-protect veteran plaques, provide a venue for memorial ceremonies, and will be open to public and include improvements supporting access to those with disabilities.

• $1,500 to Seeley Lake ROCKS! to purchase a snow blower for the ice rink next to Seeley Lake Elementary.

• $1,500 to Alpine Artisans to support two free “Seeley Celebrates” community events, each featuring an outstanding Western author. These events will be an in-person celebration marking both the end of the pandemic and the Open Book Club’s winning of the Montana Center for the Book Prize.

“It’s exciting to see all the amazing ideas that come out of this community,” said Claire Muller, SLCF executive director. “Although we were unable to fund all of the great proposals that came in this year, I want to thank the organizations that put in the time and effort to apply. Thank you to all of our local nonprofits for all of the great work you’re doing for the Seeley Lake area!”

The Seeley Lake Community Foundation board of directors awards annual grants with the aim of supporting projects with broad community benefits. The SLCF Community Grant Program funds local projects in the areas of: art & culture, community & economic development, basic human needs, education and natural resources & conservation.

Grant applications for up to $2,500 in funding are due on Jan. 31 for the yearly SLCF Community Grant program.


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