Seeley-Swan Blackhawk Booster Club update

The community members and families of Seeley Lake and Swan Valley have stepped up to support Seeley-Swan High School (SSHS) this school year. Usually, the members of the Club are showcased on signs in gymnasium for all to see. However, this year, games are not open to everyone who wishes to come and cheer. A list of Club members is below.

The Club was able to provide Blackhawk logo masks for the entire student body and to the sports teams. As usual, the Boosters will support the athletic teams as they advance in the post season. The Boosters enhanced the weight room by providing a stability ball and compression socks for use in PE, by student athletes for training or for any student rehabilitation. Recently, the Club provided pizza for the BPS (Business Professional of America) to celebrate their competitions. Good luck to all SSHS students in BPA and on basketball teams as they participate in regionals, districts, divisionals and state!

Besides joining the Boosters, some individuals made donations to support student athletes such as the Seeley Lake Youth Sports (Fourth of July Duck Race coordinator) and the Gonzales family who donated all the healthy snack food to the football team.

The Boosters appreciate our community! Go Blackhawks!


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