I was looking forward to reading an actual objective legislative update in the February 4 issue of the Seeley Swan Pathfinder, but deeply disappointed in the partisan campaign piece submitted by Representative Mike Hopkins. We were left with the impression the piece should have been a paid political ad rather than a simple update on what the Montana State Legislature is working on and has accomplished so far this session. I keep thinking that our elected representatives and senators represent all of us rather than one political party. Apparently, from your perspective, that is not the case.
We rarely have to read blatant propaganda masquerading as just straight information. And it was done in such a petulant way! The so-called update had truly little hard information as it began with blowing the Republican horn and quickly degraded into innuendos and smears against Democrats, where it sadly ended. How constructive! This is not the professional effort we would hope for, but rather a vitriolic veering off the rails from constructive behavior. How sad. Mike, you stated, “The Republican majority isn’t focused on the next campaign.” But clearly, you are.
Mike Hopkins, please try to find the higher road and maintain the course. I imagine we can pull together and encourage respect rather than stoking the fuels of division. Mike, I understand you want to be re-elected, but please try to resist the temptation to become just another manipulative politician milking fear and hate.
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