Born again

Having spent 40 years attending church, I was offended when a Christian friend announced she was a "Born Again Christian." I brought her to tears arguing that "Born Again Christians" were simply snobs that thought they were better than other Christians. This dear friend is one of the primary reasons I am a "Born Again Christian" today. 

When Nicodemus questioned Jesus as to how someone who had already been born from the womb could do so again, Jesus explained the first was a physical birth, the second a spiritual birth. As I explored that, I realized I had missed an important point. I could not experience a spiritual birth without the "belief" described in Romans 10:9, "I had never believed, therefore, I could not experience that second birth."

This dear friend and I continued arguing throughout our relationship. She recently passed away. And though I mourn her loss, I know that I will one-day see her again. 

If you've ever lost anyone close, you've experienced a time of grieving. Grieving is a process. That process has five stages: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

I lost a father to cancer. His death was painful and he suffered much. At the time I blamed God. "How," I cried, "Could a merciful God allow this?"

It was only years later, after being born from above and studying His word, that I discovered my anger was mis-directed. John 8:44 points out that Satan, not God, is the author of death, lies and suffering. Yet in my grief, I could not see that.

If you are grieving now, understand that people pass through these stages in different ways and for differing periods of time. Just know that in the end God will be there waiting with open arms.

Jeremiah at the lowest point in his life cried out, "I remember my afflictions...yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies are new every morning. Great is His Faithfulness."

Remember that anger, strife, divisions, as well as love, joy and peace are all found on the same page of the Bible in Galatians 5: A description of the ongoing war between the physical self and the spiritual self. 

That battle was won for us long ago on the Cross of Calvary.


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