Weather alert for Seeley-Swan region

“According to the Seeley Weather Alert Network for the Swan (SWANS), the normal winter weather patterns for the Seeley/Swan area have failed to practice ‘social distancing, mask wearing and hand sanitizing’ per DPHHS, CDC and COVID-19 protocols. Actually, how do you sanitize a snow cloud???? As a result, based on preliminary laboratory test results, the normal Seeley-Swan snowflakes have been tested as COVID-19 positive.  As a result, most of those normal, crazy, fun, fluffy snow crystals that fall out of the sky on a VERY regular basis, have moved into isolation AKA social distancing and awaiting further instructions.”

That was definitely in jest, however based on what we don’t know about this little bug, let’s not let down our guard.  We are far from “out of the tunnel.”

We sincerely hope that everyone in town is surviving whatever the “new normal” may be.  We hope and pray that we can soon gather as a community and have one fantastic celebration of life.  


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