Stop misinforming sewer voters

Walt Hill’s comments on our Seeley Lake sewer mess would be laughable except for the fact he is a respected community leader. His ignorance of the facts of the case are scary and dangerous.

Here are some facts:

• Sewer District residents have a right to KNOW all the truths about the sewer project...the reasons, the costs, the impact. The Sewer District Board has NEVER completely provided those facts to residents.

 • Sewer District residents have a right to PARTICIPATE in the discussion of this very important discussion. Past Boards have pooh, poohed dissidents’ objections and concerns. They have NEVER brought opponents to the meetings to air their concerns and routinely they have plowed ahead with a decision to move this $35-million project forward.

• Sewer District residents have the RIGHT to vote on indebtedness. If they vote NO on the upcoming bond issues, the project will have to go back to the drawing board for re-evaluation.

This project has been promoted by a half-dozen developers who have personal financial gain in mind. The project will not significantly change or protect water quality. It will bankrupt middle-class residents, raise the cost of housing and jeopardize employment stability for Pyramid Mountain Lumber. It is a bad project. It is amazing to me that Mr. Hill who owns (developable) property in.... but does not LIVE.... in the district would support it.

Mr. Hill lives on Placid Lake. Perhaps he should re-focus his efforts there and promote a sewer project for that beautiful place.

Don Larson

Seeley Lake, Montana


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