The meaning of Christmas


Throughout all human history, most all cultures have found themselves in times of turmoil, division and disarray. In some ways, we can arguably say that about our own society currently as we contend with a number of different issues. On the surface it can be, and is, overwhelming for many. So the overriding question is...what is to be done about it?

It really all depends upon what...or in places their trust. As of this reading, Christmas Eve/Day may have already passed. For many, it is but a day’s respite in a year fraught with a multitude of difficulties, succored only by a brief exchange of gifts. We have often heard of the “true meaning of Christmas,” but what if we really and truly consider what that means? Instead of distractions and ephemeral solaces, what if there were there something that goes far beyond anything the world can offer, and give peace...true peace and true unassailable hope?

As good as Christmas traditions and gatherings can be, they pale in comparison to what Christmas truly means. It goes back to something that has happened and still affects us today, if we are willing to receive it.

It has little to do with presents and everything to do with presence...Christ’s presence with us. This is what we truly celebrate; the fact that God Himself came to us, stepping down from heaven to be with one of us. As God incarnate, He could easily have chosen to live among us totally protected from any harm, yet He chose to undergo everything just as we do and all that that entails. Of all the travails that we experience, He personally took upon Himself every single one in the Garden of Gethsemane. Before any of the beatings, scourging and ultimately His crucifixion, He bore the pain of us all that night, to the point where He prayed, “Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from Me: nevertheless let not My will, but Thine, be done.”

He chose the path of sacrifice and selflessness, to serve rather be served, ultimately offering up His very life for us to redeem us at a price we can never pay. By His shed blood, He offers to us the greatest gift of life here and eternal salvation in eternity.

Behind it all lies God’s love for us. Part of His love necessarily involves free will. He will never compel or force anyone to receive Him, much less even believe in Him. You can either believe or not. For it to be true love, it cannot be otherwise.

All of this began with the night He came to us. This is why we celebrate Christmas. And not just this night but each day as He comes to us even now...for the free gift of salvation He offers to all who will receive Him. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”


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