Holiday goodwill

Psychological Perspectives

Since it's the holiday season, I believe it's fitting to describe some psychological traits associated with the season. During this season, people are more open, kinder and giving to others. Even to people they don't know! Why is that?

There are many possible answers but let's explore a few from a psychological perspective. First of all, people let their egos (sense of identity and control) relax a bit. This means they are less territorial, less argumentative and less adamant about being right. As a result, there is more acceptance of other people and situations.

Second, people also relax their projections, which are unconscious (hidden psychology) overlays on other people and situations. This means they are judging and experiencing people and situations less often through the lens of their unconscious.

Third, people allow their empathic functions to be more expressive. This means they experience their ability to relate to, and even feel, another person's hardships, joys, etc., forming a deeper connection to other people regardless of differences.

There are more psychological reasons to help us understand the shift that occurs during the holiday season, but perhaps these three characteristics are enough.

When we are recipients of these more relaxed and expressive characteristics, we, in turn, are more likely to reflect each and provide our own three traits to someone else. This is interesting! This is similar to a small group of people gradually growing and expanding, filling each other with kindness, understanding and respect. In other words, our giving also becomes an act of receiving. A feeling of warmth and connectedness follows.

The empathy, diminished projections and relaxed ego all function in harmony to produce what is known as goodwill. People feel a lightness and a happiness that differs from other times in the year. In addition, there is a desire to give more to others in the form of gifts, verbal compliments and loving gestures or at the very least heart-felt gestures.

There is little doubt that we all can experience goodwill during the holidays and that few people would deny that these psychological characteristics are desirable. These feelings are also often associated with our spirit and soul; such that, our spirit is more energized and our soul more involved with our body and mind. Perhaps this is similar to the Eastern experience of nirvana or spiritual enlightenment and development. It wouldn't surprise me.

Let us all share these experiences and psychological traits with each other during this holiday season, even better throughout the year.


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