Foundation awarded grant

Light Up Seeley Lake

SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Community Foundation recently received the full $2,000 grant they requested following the Reimagining Rural series. Communities were only able to apply for the grant if they participated in all three of the Reimagining Rural workshops. 

During the last session, attendees collectively decided to consolidate multiple community improvement ideas into Winterfest which will take place this upcoming winter. Most of the Winterfest activities have not yet been finalized but ideas for events included lighting up the town for the Holidays, distributing welcome baskets to newcomers, organizing an art trail or quilt show, encouraging locals to build snowmen in front of their property and hosting an outdoor dance party with a bonfire.

Of the grant funds, $1,500 is expected to go towards lights with the remaining $500 going towards supporting the other events as well as advertising. Foundation Board Director Carla Schade said so far almost all of the $1,500 has been used to purchase lights, clips and extensions. She said the organizers appreciated Rovero’s help purchasing the lights.

Individuals or businesses along Highway 83 that are interested in picking up lights should call Schade at (406) 499-0389 or Kris Gullikson at (406) 241-2109. Participants are encouraged to post photos of their light decorations on social media with the hashtag #lightingupSeeleyLake.


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