Isaac Morse March 28, 2003 - Nov. 8, 2020

Swan Song

SEELEY LAKE - Isaac Morse and his friend Damien Miner left this world way too young Nov. 8. Isaac was born March 28, 2003 to Ted and Christie Morse. He was six months old when they decided to make the move and call Seeley Lake their home. Montana is the only home he knew.

Isaac had a wonderful life full of adventure and love for the mountains.  Isaac has been fishing with his big brother Jacob since he could hold a pole. Growing up he was never too young or too small for anything. He loved everything outdoors: hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, snowboarding, hiking, friends and family cookouts and rafting. He knew how to enjoy and love life. Christie, Ted, Jacob and his sister Autumn will always treasure their family adventures and precious moments.  

Isaac loved his friends and called them family. They will never forget him and his laugh that echoed with joy.  He had the most heartfelt and sincere hugs a person could receive.

Isaac had a smile that was contagious and a special way of lighting up a room when he entered. He lived his life to the fullest without regrets. He always lived in the moment and you couldn't change his mind even if you tried. Everyone that met Isaac would say he made an impression whether it was from his hardheaded, sarcastic remarks or his charming smile. Those that knew Isaac either liked him or didn't, but they never forgot him.

He loved being up in the mountains even if it meant just taking a little joy ride to find a mud hole or to see a nice view. He respected nature and he loved everything about Montana. He was always on the go looking for his next adventure. You could never pinpoint him in one spot.

The people in Isaac's life were important to him. He always made an effort to socialize and spend time with his friends and family no matter the distance. Everyone fell in love with Isaac's nature. He worked hard to play hard and do the things he loved. He loved telling stories about his dad. He talked about all the funny stuff he said or everything he learned from him like how to fix things, building cars and houses.

Isaac left behind his father Ted Morse, mother Christy Morse, sister Autumn Morse, brother Jacob Morse, grandpa Mike Rhoades, grandma Dana Boe, grandmother Tammy Roberts from Alabama, one of his best friends Jay, his dog Otto – his faithful companion who went everywhere with him, and numerous friends and relatives who were all impacted by his sweet loving heart. He will surely be missed.

Isaac's family is having a small memorial for him for his family and close friends at the Tamaracks Resort on Dec. 2. There will be a Celebration of Life for both Isaac and Damien Miner this spring.


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