Chamber leadership steps down, seeks applicants

SEELEY LAKE – After serving as the Seeley Lake Area Chamber of Commerce executive director and on the board since the summer of 2017, Lisa Hayhurst and her husband Eric feel it is time to pass the torch. They are hoping to fill the executive director and board chair position before their last day, May 1, 2021.

“It takes a lot of time and it is a lot of hours,” Lisa said. “I’m very thankful to everybody for the opportunity to serve as the executive director and volunteering for the past four years. It allowed me to meet people in the community and I developed friendships. It was exciting and extremely challenging. I enjoyed everything about it but it is time to give the reins off to someone else.”

After the Hayhursts volunteered to help plan the Seeley Lake Fourth of July celebration in 2017, the Chamber board approached Lisa to fill the volunteer executive director position. Eric served as the treasurer on the board with Cheryl Lewis as the chair.

“I realized I needed to go out and volunteer in Seeley Lake so that is what I did,” Lisa said in a November 2017 interview.

The mission of the Chamber was to promote the Seeley Lake area and “improve quality of life for its members and community.” Lisa worked to renew trust in the Chamber and build relationships with the business. She saw the Chamber as a catalyst to foster positive relationships between the businesses in the community.

“It is very, very important for the Chamber to have relationships with the schools and other non-profits to work together as a team and come up with different ideas,” Lisa said. “If we can do that then we can thrive and keep moving in the right direction.”

In the past four years, Lisa has worked hard to organize and set systems in place that are effective for the next executive director.

“Just keep it simple and have fun is the way to go,” said Lisa. “It will definitely be an easy transition.”

Since Lisa didn’t need an office, the Chamber got rid of their office and Lisa worked out of her home. The Chamber provided her with a laptop, cell phone, printer and other materials as needed.

“[The Chamber] had an office space for years and no one came there except for visitors. If we can have a Visitors Center that doesn’t cost anything, then why pay for an office space,” said Lisa who added that if the new executive director felt they needed an office, that could be considered by the board.

The Chamber revamped their website and Lisa sent out relocation packages to people that moved to the area. She regularly checked in with businesses and members to foster relationships. She applied for grants and maintained the insurance needed to cover events held by the Chamber including the Fourth of July parade and fireworks, Winterfest and the Tamaracks Festival. The Chamber also assisted with the Bob Marshall Music Festival ownership transition in 2019 and helped with the Seeley Lake Elementary’s Halloween Truck-or-Treat.

“I feel really good about the goals I accomplished and what we were supposed to be doing but there is a whole other level to go to,” Lisa said. “I really think the Chamber can get bigger and stronger. It’s good to get someone new in here and keep the energy up.”

Eric said that communication skills and the ability to follow-up with businesses and visitors are essential for a successful executive director. He added networking, sales and marketing experience are also important skills to not only maintain the membership but also to assist visitors and those moving to the area.

“They need to let businesses know the value added through the Chamber website, networking and referrals,” Eric said. “A lot of time [the Chamber] will get calls from people out of the area and, if you are member, we will refer them to that business.”

Lisa said she has left everything very organized for the next executive director and financially the Chamber is sitting very well with over $23,000 in their account. Lisa said some of that money is already allocated to a new 2021 Visitor Guide that will be available in print and on the website. Hayhurst feels that project is very important and will make sure to finish that project with local business owner Carrie Sokoloski.

“If you want the Chamber to be where it is, you’re going to have to put in the hours I’ve been putting in,” Lisa said. “If you put in less, then the members are going to get less and I really hope that doesn’t happen.”

The Hayhursts estimate the executive director would volunteer 10-20 hours each week, with more time needed when there are events. They added having an active and engaged board is essential to the success of the Chamber. Current board members Jona Bartlett and Ariana Castillon hope to remain on the board and assist the new leadership.

“The Chamber is still strong and great and everything is fine, we just want to pass the torch now,” said Lisa. “I want this to be an easy adjustment and something that is fun and exciting.”

For more information or to apply for the executive director position or to join the board email or call 406-677-2880. The positions will be open until filled.


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