Bringing the joy of Halloween back to Riverview Drive

Isn’t it great that Halloween 2020 was last week and not one week ago? Imagine all of those little fairies, goblins and pirates dragging their soggy costumes through 14 inches (I know there are reports of upwards of 20 inches but let’s just settle on 14 inches - that’s enough for October) of October snow. Those adorable “Halloweeners” would be wallowing through Seeley Lake’s “entry into winter” and slowly dragging their costumed selves through the slop and making their way to the next “trick or treat” location.

We would like to thank all the Riverview Drive residents who placed luminaries, pumpkins and other Halloween decorations along Riverview Drive while the children were “trick-or-treating” Saturday night for the first Halloween trick-or-treat event in many years in Dogtown. Your participation in this important “kid-event” is truly appreciated.

As we have had in years gone by, Cheri and I had our Halloween bonfire at the end of our driveway. It was truly a joy to see all of the pirates, goblins, fairies and other Halloween characters enjoying the sharing of different households, candies and being able to warm up next to the neighborhood “campfire.” We were truly thrilled to see more than 50 “children” (knowing that a few of them were old enough to vote) coming by and visiting. Know that we were all masked, distanced and observing “socially sensible behavior” (some folks even tooooooo distant to enjoy the warmth of the fire) in view of the current COVID-19 situation in Missoula County.

This is a wonderful community, we support it in many ways and we hope that each and everyone of you continue to offer your support throughout these ongoing trying times.

Stay safe everyone,

Cheri and Steve Thompson, the long-time Riverview Drive residents


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