Cabin Warming at the Historical Museum Sunday, Oct. 25

SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Historical Society is closing in on completing the largest undertaking they’ve ever undertaken. Construction of a replica 1920s cabin using logs from a 1920s cabin and a 100-year-old lodge is close enough to move in before a Seeley Lake winter sets in. The cabin is furnished with early 20th century pieces reminiscent of early day Seeley Lake settlers.

What could be considered as the first business district of Seeley Lake began along Seely Creek (upstream of Highway 83) about 1920. This included rental cabins and mercantile called the Headquarters Store. Logs from one of those cabins have been used to house articles displaying life of the period.

The son of Copper Magnet and Montana Senator W.A. Clark built a family hideaway on the south end of Salmon Lake in 1915 that he named Mowitza Lodge (present day Legendary Lodge.) Salvaged materials from recent renovation work has been incorporated into this cabin.

The Historical Society is hosting a cabin warming Oct. 25 from 2-5 p.m. Everyone is invited to tour the cabin, watch a video of a river drive and enjoy a treat invented about 1920.

Attendance is free. All attendees are expected to have pre-Halloween face covering, keep appropriate physical distancing, and have no virus symptoms. Free masks are available. Fresh air will be provided.

The mission for the Seeley Lake Historical Society is “Fostering knowledge and understanding the history in the Seeley Lake area.”


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