Vote like life depends on it

With numerous important voting issues, none is more critical than life. God’s Commandment states: “You shall not kill,” meaning to not kill unjustly. 

Even though science concurs with the Church that an individual human being exists at conception, 60+ million abortions have been wickedly legal in this country since 1973. However, God’s laws overrule man’s laws.

We know the mantra: “It’s a woman’s choice; it’s her body”; not according to our Creator: “It is I who bring both death and life…” (Deuteronomy 32:39). Anyone who votes for a political party that promotes pro-choice/pro-abortion ideologies, regardless of one’s personal views or the personal views of the candidates, is complicit in those abortions.

“Elections have consequences,” said former President Obama. Because abortion cries-out to heaven for vengeance, we cannot claim innocence by voting for pro-choice/pro-abortion candidates as we will be held accountable for the consequences of our votes. Realize that consequences may be unintended when, during our particular judgment by the Lord, we learn of our eternal destination based on the choices we made. 

If all candidates under consideration are pro-choice/pro-abortion, then one must vote for the candidates that are “…most likely to limit the evils of abortion or any other moral evil at issue” -Pope Saint John Paul II.

The Democratic Party Platform brazenly upholds abortion, yet under the guise of reproductive health, rights and justice. How is abortion healthy and where are the rights and justice for the unborn? Promote adoption instead.

President Trump was not always pro-life, but he had a change of heart, which some may say was politically motivated. If we are not allowed a change of heart, then who can be saved? President Trump has proven his motives by denouncing abortion worldwide, by preventing certain tax dollars from funding abortions, by giving conscience protection to healthcare providers, and by nominating conservative, pro-Constitution and pro-life judges to name just a few of his promises kept. President Trump is the most pro-life president in American history.

Will God bless a nation that mutilates and murders the unborn or newborn individuals that survive ‘botched abortions’? Are we heartless monsters? Calling evil good and good evil is deeply depraved.

For anyone who claims that this doesn’t apply to them because they don’t believe in God, are they a pointless manifestation existing by chance? No. We are intelligently designed, complex, functioning individuals each with a mind, heart and soul made by the omnipotent God for a purpose, intended for eternity with our Creator. “God said, ‘Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves,…’” (Genesis 1:26). “You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! My very self you know” (Psalm 139:13-14).

What is more valuable than lives and souls? Who will defend God-given rights for the vulnerable unborn and born individuals unless voters do? 

Voting is not optional. It’s a moral obligation to vote and to vote conscientiously. Vote conservative Republican. 


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