Future of health care is on the ballot

Death and taxes, two realities of life. My opinion today comes from being in the insurance industry for 30 years as a broker, agency principle and insurance company board member. The politicians today are misrepresenting the fact about your health insurance.

The facts are your health insurance is already controlled by federal and state regulations and has been for years. The Affordable Care Act did one major thing, the requirement that all pre-existing conditions be covered - probably the most defining moment for many of you.

You no longer had to fear your medical conditions would cause you to have unaffordable rate increases and myself, as your agent, tell you that the carriers did not want to sell you insurance at any price. Showing up at the emergency room and having to tell them you did not have insurance. It could be the difference between life and death.

This election is critical to your future, your kids, grandkids and future generations. The Republicans have no plan. If the Affordable Care Act is destroyed, it will impact every person in this country, including Montana. I don’t want the insurance companies to be able to decline coverage to anyone because of a pre-existing condition, such as COVID-19.

You may be covered today but the future of health care is on the ballot.


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