A political zoo

Out 'N The Woods Again

We often wonder at what politicians must be think'n when they take their oath to uphold the Constitution, then turn right around and do just the opposite. Perhaps they're think'n--well

God knows politicians are prone to lie – it's just the way it is.

I like to remind them when they take this oath, they do say "so help me God." Do they even know that their days are numbered? Is it greed or power that clouds their integrity, or perhaps both? Almost every one of them become multi-millionaires in a few short years. They achieve this by getting re-elected instead of doing what is best for the country. They never met a lobbyist they didn't love. Special interest groups are running around with pockets full of cash.

We can store up all these millions but we brought nothing into this world and we shall take nothing out of it. Although, what a friend told me may have some truth in it, "the only thing we take from this world is what we give away." I know they keep in the news by promising us the moon with a little red fence around it. It's sometimes laughable.

But we must pray for those in government. The Bible tells us so. As we look at some of these politicians, it's hard sometimes, but we're told to do so. That God would move them to do what's right and moral, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all Godliness and holiness, 1 Timothy 2:2.

I make no excuses for be'n pro-life. I wouldn't be otherwise and bring disgrace on my Mother's grave. She raised her children to respect human life. For we are all made in the image of God.

I must ask myself as a follower of Christ, how would Jesus vote? I can't make excuses, Mother always said, "God don't buy excuses." Joe Biden claims to be a Catholic. But he is not pro-life. He was denied the Eucharist by Father Robert Morley who had the courage and conviction to do so.

Mom was a Democrat her entire life. She'd be appalled at what has happened to her Democratic party. And when planned parenthood was sell'n aborted baby body parts, in tears she'd be on her knees pray'n for those dear children.

Voting is and should be a private matter. However, the good Book talks about our conscience be'n severed as with a hot iron. Lets' be sure ours is still intact.


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