Local Election Guide
Ballots will be mailed Oct. 9. Return ballots by mail, vote in person Oct. 20 at the Missoula County Satellite Office or drop off ballots at various drop off locations including Seeley Lake Elementary on Election Day, Nov. 3. For more information visit https://www.missoulacounty.us/government/administration/elections-office
Shannon O'Brien (D) Biography
• Where do you live? I live in Senate District 46: The Rattlesnake Neighborhood of Missoula
• How long have you lived in Montana? My husband and I moved here in 2008 when I was pregnant with our son
• Education: Bachelors – Political Science, University of Washington; Masters – Teaching/Education, Gonzaga University; Doctorate – Education Leadership, University of Montana
• Experience that makes you suitable for the position: Education Policy Advisor to Governor; Dean of Missoula College; High School History Teacher and Coach; Chair and Vice Chair of Local Political Party; Elected at County Level as Charter Review Commissioner
• Family or anything else you want voters to know: Husband Chuck Dumke, Exercise Science Professor at University of Montana, son Carter, age 11 and dog Rastro, age 6
• Contact information: https://www.shannonformontana.com; Facebook; Instagram @shannon4montana; Cell phone: 406-274-3805
What are the top three issues you see facing the state during this upcoming session? While there are many issues to discuss here, I see that divisiveness in politics is by-far the most important issue facing our communities, our state and our country right now. In order to find the solutions to the issues of 1) the environment and natural resources 2) healthcare, including mental health, and 3.) basic human dignity (including jobs, housing and property taxes, and justice) we simply need to work together. We have many more similarities than differences and we need to focus on the similarities, and roll up our sleeves to solve the problems. I think the #1 issue that we all agree on is quality education: the great equalizer, the way to achieve the American Dream.
How do those things impact Senate District 46? Education, including high quality early care and learning, is not only the great equalizer for the American Dream, it also delivers a well-trained and strong workforce and economy. We must work together to tackle the issues of managing our incredible natural resources, such as timber and recreation, ensuring health care is accessible to all Montanans especially in rural areas where broadband and computer-based services are limited, and addressing the affordable housing shortage, including the problem of property taxes increases.
If you were elected, how would you work to solve them? The two things I'm promising voters are these: I'll do my homework and I'll bring people together to get things done. If we get back to the basics of government and focus on what we have in common, we can and will bring civility back to the legislature. At the risk of sounding like the hokey social studies teacher that I am at heart, I truly believe our delegates to the Constitutional Convention stated it best in the Preamble, "We the people of Montana grateful to God for the quiet beauty of our state, the grandeur of our mountains, the vastness of our rolling plains, and desiring to improve the quality of life, equality of opportunity and to secure the blessings of liberty for this and future generations do ordain and establish this constitution."
I will remind my colleagues that we all share these values and we need to focus on getting our work done.
Is there any legislation you would like to introduce? Please explain including why you feel it is important. I am still learning and contemplating what legislation I would like to carry if elected. What is most important to me is that I work hard to ensure the responsible use of taxpayer dollars. That having been said, as a lifelong teacher/education advocate, I will prioritize education, as mentioned above, it is the great equalizer. I have seen the power of an education lift people from poverty and into meaningful work. As Dean of Missoula College, I learned that we had to make tough choices with budget cuts in order to remain a healthy organization and introducing new expensive ideas was not wise unless there was a strong return on investment. Fortunately our state has seen strong fiscal responsibility and I intend to continue that.
Do you see a gap in the policies made across the state between the urban and rural communities? If yes, how would you bridge that? In many ways it seems that rural communities are not represented well. I believe that while perhaps well-intended, legislators living in urban areas simply do not understand the issues and challenges facing rural citizens, unless they make a concerted effort to spend time in rural areas. It's easy to take things for granted like access to education, healthcare or even jobs. If you live in Condon, for example, it's just not as easy to go back to school. Even if your courses are offered online, you might not have the broadband to be in "Zoom" classrooms or meetings.
Access to healthcare is a major issue in rural areas, as are jobs and housing. I grew up in a small town, there were 25 students in my graduating class and I learned first-hand the benefits of living in a small community as well as the challenges.
All that having been said, in order to bridge that gap, I will continue to attend community council meetings throughout the district, and visit with my friends in Condon, Seeley, Potomac, Clinton and places in between to better understand first-hand of the experiences and perspectives of all people in Senate District 46.
Anything else? I simply ask: Please vote. Obviously, I hope that you vote for me, I think I'll do well. But honestly, more importantly, just vote.
I became a social studies teacher 25 years ago because I believe in our young people and I believe in democracy but democracy only works if we all participate. If you are disheartened with the state of politics, vote. Read the newspapers, contact the candidates and ask them tough questions, have (civil) conversations with your friends about who they like and why. And then, vote.
Vote your conscience, follow your head and your gut. No one needs to know who you voted for, it's your own private business. Just vote: it's your voice, it's our future.
Niki Sardot (R) Biography
• Home: Rural Florence on a ranch for over 17 years. I've been in the Missoula area for over 24 years.
• Education: I was born to a military family and moved around. I attended and graduated from Virginia Wesleyan University, B.S. Social Science and teaching degree. Graduate courses from Old Dominion University.
• Experience: I became interested in politics upon being hit with corruption between two governmental agencies, I sued and won. It's amazing what is going on. I began going to meetings nine (9) years ago, began testifying in Helena...and from there kept going. My husband, born in communist Yugoslavia ran away from what is happening here under our noses and warns me daily to spread the word if Antifa isn't enough!
-V.P. Pachyderm in Missoula and Ravalli Counties
-President, Farm Bureau Ravalli County for three years
-SB298; I changed Montana Subdivision Regulations-if you live in what once was called RURAL MONTANA now THE WUI, Wildlands; you don't need 1,000 gpm to build your house!!! A blatant effort to stop your right to use your land. I AM YOUR WATCHDOG!
• Contact: Call 406-239-6856 or email niki4senate46@gmail.com or live@redquillranch.com
Suitability: I AM A WATCH DOG! I don't require much sleep! I am organized. I have started and run many businesses successfully and believe in protecting the "American Dream" I am not "wordy" and get my point across well. I am supported by Montana Sports Shooting Association. I'VE BEEN CARRYING SINCE AGE THREE!
Main Issues: Protecting your constitutional rights! Every one of the 2,000 bills that will pass by me has to meet the criteria.
Top Three Issues:
1. Drug and Human Trafficking, rehab, no facilities
2. High property taxes, forcing homeowners to leave, businesses don't want to come = ghost towns.
3. Education: Don't just turn graduates loose! Every high school student needs a goal, hope and mentors to get there. School choice is great.
Legislation to Introduce: This is up to you in your district. Come to me with your written ideas between November and January!
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