Proven results for House District 92

As an elected official, you just have to get used to the fact that people will lie about you. Like it or not, its just a part of the way campaign seasons work currently. But I feel like lying about people’s families for political gain is a line in campaigning that we should not be crossing. It has got to be one of the lowest forms of campaigning ever.

It’s also not going to work.

Folks in House District 92 know me. They know that we have one of the most successful and independent records of any legislator in Helena. That we have secured better (and more targeted) funding for education and better funding for Healthcare in the District all while building the two most conservative state budgets in modern Montana history and passing conservative state government fiscal policy.

Those budgets and fiscal reforms are the reason why we have not had to have a special session to cut money out of places like Health and Human Services and Education during the pandemic.

They know that we wrote and passed the first comprehensive Infrastructure package in over a decade. That bill means safer roads, safer bridges, safer schools, cleaner drinking water, cleaner lakes and rivers, more access to our public lands and better irrigation for Montana Ag.

They know that we have opposed and killed over $1.2 Billion dollars in tax increases from Democrats in the legislature. Can you imagine what your personal finances would look like right now if in addition to all the other nonsense we have had to deal with this year, we also had to deal with another 1.2 billion in tax increases from State government?

People in House District 92 support us because they know that we mean what we say, we take the job seriously and we get real results in Helena.

So when I say next session that we are going to stop the $350 million dollars in tax increase proposals that Democrats have already put forward before the session even starts, which includes a four percent state sales tax and a local option sales tax, folks know they can take that to the bank.

When I say that we are going to get more help to small businesses to aid them in recovering from the shutdown, folks can take that to the bank.

When I say that next session we are going to deal with the revenue shortfalls from the pandemic not by raising taxes, but by putting together a budget that funds our essential services without increasing the burden on the Montana taxpayer, folks can take that to the bank.

When I say that we are going to have law enforcement's back, we are going to protect our constitutional rights, and reduce the regulatory burden on small businesses, folks in House District 92 know that they can trust us because we have a four year record of doing exactly what we say we are going to do and actually getting it done!

Representative Mike Hopkins, House District 92 (R)


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