To examine the Messiah’s journey is always a good check and to see the suffering of the One “Who created all things in the heavens and that are in the earth – all have been created through Him and for Him.” Colossians 1:16.
Let’s go to John 7 where He endured the wrath of the people while on His time on earth. Verse 7 - The world hates Me. Verse 12 - There was much grumbling about Him. Also, verse 12 - He is leading the crowd into deception. Verse 15 - How He is un-learned. Verses 19 - Why do you seek to kill Me? Verse 20 -You have a demon. Verse 32 – The crowd muttered concerning Him. Verse 23 – The crowd thought they were learned but in reality they were un-learned of their true spiritual condition of traditions and doctrines of men.
How does Yeshua, who lived for the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance - respond? Verse 33 – “Yet a little while I am with you, then I go to Him who sent Me.” To endure the wrath of people for a little while, made easy, because His focus was on eternal reward, bringing many sons to glory! How He accomplished a journey on earth with no regrets: Not My will but Thy will be done!
Anyone’s journey, not my will, but rather Thy (Father’s) will be done, will receive reward. But the many will choose a journey of pick and choose, many regrets and an eternal wrath.
Count it eternal blessing when you are called unlearned. Work at being un-learned of the traditions and doctrines of men and study the journey of our Savior and His life journey’s testimony. He cannot save those He cannot command – 1 John 2:3-6.
Examine Yeshua’s journey and let that be a judge for your journey to reward without end. What will your journey without end receive: reward or wrath?
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