Having kept a close eye on the homeless issue in Missoula County, especially the illegal encampment West of the Reserve Street bridge, I am astounded at the recent halt to the removal of the individuals destroying this area. Most astonishing is the threat by the County Health Department to fine those in control of the property and the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) for the trash being spread by the transients illegally squatting on the land.
The reason I find the threat of suing the MDT so absolutely absurd, is that the County is largely responsible for the homeless problem in our community. Missoula County makes it far too easy for transients who come to Missoula from outside the area, (a large percentage) to receive various welfare benefits, to the detriment of our local homeless population. The gross misuse of Missoula County tax dollars for such a population attracts further numbers here, exacerbating the problem. Given the pressure on social services and non-profits attempting to assist these folks, these homeless people gravitate to any spot where they can pitch a makeshift dwelling. Easy welfare – growing numbers of homeless – expansion of the encampment problem. It’s not difficult to see the cause / effect at work here. And did you know there is an encampment in Bonner?
Not only is there a serious problem with trash from normal living, the area is riddled with drug paraphernalia and human waste, not to mention the issues with communicable diseases, spreading hygienic problems and vermin that accompany such squalid living arrangements. The MDT wants these transients moved, to protect the infrastructure of the Reserve Street bridge, and to eliminate the health hazard they create.
If Missoula County were to shut down the geyser of tax-funded welfare benefits to non-Missoula residents, one of the factors forcing property taxes ever upward would be eliminated and our transient problem would be greatly diminished.
Either the County Commissioners and County Health Department need to get on board with the State, to expedite the removal of this illegal commune, or they are complicit with the ongoing problems being forced onto Missoula residents, as well as the MDT. As for fining the MDT when the MDT is attempting to resolve this issue, the Missoula County Health department can’t be that stunted in their thinking.
Per a recent article published by the Heritage Foundation, it was stated “In re-orientating the public response toward better outcomes, policy makers must begin with a simple premise: Any effort to reduce homelessness must address addiction, mental illness and social pathologies – not just physical housing…” And if you study this problem, you discover HUD’s ‘Housing First Policy’ needs to be ‘Treatment First’, because major cities are agreeing the HUD program is not working. Treatment First a proposed program I advocate, not just attainment of more housing attracting more transients. And there is federal money available.
The homeless situation was a problem prior to the Covid-19 issue and will continue to torment Missoula citizens until our current County Commissioners and Health department officials develop the intestinal fortitude to address this matter. Clearly, the current elected and appointed County Commissioners don't have the skills to deal with the homeless problem. Proof of this is the ever increasing, dramatic growth in the homeless population.
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