Cooney works for Montana

Mike Cooney for Montana Governor is our candidate to vote for Nov. 3, 2020. Cooney has released his, "Keep Montana Working Plan" for Montana's future.

Cooney supports Public Education, unlike his opponent that is for our tax dollars going to private school.

Cooney stated at a press conference on July 14, "He would defend Montana's public lands against politicians and powerful interest groups seeking privatization." Cooney will fight for Social Security, Medicare and Healthcare for Montana residents, unlike his opponent that follows the lead of the federal government to cut those earned benefits. Mike Cooney has just released his plan to "Keep Montanans Healthy."

Cooney will fight for our Constitutional right to have the USPS serving our communities both urban and rural, unlike his opponent that aspires to a federal government that at this moment is making drastic cuts to the USPS.

Our state has a balanced budget with funds to fight forest fires in the future. Cooney will follow the lead and insure that our state finances remain stable.

Agriculture is of great importance to Montana's economy. Cooney will continue to work with farmers and ranchers to find viable markets for their products.

Cooney's opponent has taunted his life long dedication to working for a better life for all Montanans while his opponent has floated from the east coast to Montana, from tech businessman to politician. He failed at his first political attempt then went to Washington, D.C. All the while Cooney has been doing what Mike Cooney does best - WORKING FOR MONTANA!

Three Forks, Montana


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