I was a public school teacher for 35 years in Minnesota. Retired, my husband and I have lived in Montana for six months a year for the last 11years. I am supporting Melissa Romano for Superintendent of Montana’s Office of Public Instruction because I believe she is the BEST candidate who will protect and promote quality public education for all students. With emphasis on “all,” she is a strong advocate for early education. Research shows that when we invest in our early learners with public preschool, those students do much better in elementary and high school. The end result is a strong economy.
Romano was an educator for 15 years and she served a three-year term on the Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics where she served as president. Romano has many qualifications including being a recipient of the National Science Foundation’s “Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)”, and the 2018 Montana Teacher of the Year. She will diligently advocate for students, teachers, administrators and for adequate funding of Montana’s Public Schools at the Montana Legislature.
Romano is endorsed by the Montana Sportsmen Alliance and the Montana Conservation Voters and other important organizations. As a member of the Land Board, she will fight to protect YOUR rights to hunt, fish and recreate on Montana’s public lands and waters.
Please vote for the BEST candidate for Superintendent of Montana’s Office of Public Instruction. I strongly urge you to vote for Melissa Romano.
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