Western Montana Fair goes online

Public encouraged to tune in

MISSOULA - 4-H Club members across the area are having a busy week for the 2020 Western Montana Fair. This year's Fair situation presented unexpected challenges and will hold a unique place in history. The theme, "Farm to Fair," is a timely tribute to the importance of agriculture during moments of crisis.

When one door closes, a window opens. For safety reasons, the general public will not be allowed to attend the Fair this year or access the Fairgrounds. Instead, the Fair will be available online through newspapers, a news service subscription, social media, live streaming and television.

Western Montana Fair Photographer Tom Aldrich traveled to many 4-H and FFA members' homes taking pictures of members and their project animals. The goal of the Pen Portraits is to show 'behind the scenes' of a member's work with their project.

The public is invited to view their photographs and stories at https://missoulafairgrounds.com/pen-portraits.

The public is also invited to support the 4-H & FFA Livestock Sale held 8 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 8 at the Fairgrounds. Pre-registration is recommended by Aug. 5. For more information on the sale, visit https://missoulafairgrounds.com/4h-ffa-livestock-sale

"In the era of coronavirus, the simple pleasure of getting together with neighbors, friends and family makes us long for the "normal" Western Montana Fair even more," wrote the Western Montana Fair in a press release. "As many of the Fair's iconic activities like bingo, carnival rides, tasty treats, motorsports and free entertainment are postponed this year, we know the heart of Missoula will grow even stronger with their return in 2021."

Potomac Valley 4-Her Kyla Nelson has been in 4-H for 10 years. She said this year with COVID challenges, she spent less time working with others and more time at home working independently with her market lamb and breeding sheep project.

"My favorite part of 4-H is the culmination of all my hard work leading up to fair," said Nelson. "I breed and raise my own lambs. I love fitting my lamb for show - washing, shearing, perfecting their shag, etc.- as well as showing them."

She added in an interview that the virus has eliminated a lot of the opportunities for her to show her sheep.

"Even though the Fair looks different than it usually does, we are all grateful to have the opportunity to show in person," said Nelson.

To sign up for the Western Montana Fair News including alerts of livestream or televised events visit https://missoulafairgrounds.com/fair-news-signup


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