Are Federal lands really open to the PUBLIC ?

I see we have another member of our community that cherishes the beauty of this area. There are millions of acres of federal lands that have been preserved in such a way that if visitors were able to time travel to us today from the mid eighteen hundreds and go to these areas they would have to say, “Nothing has changed”. That is right, folks, millions of acres of public lands have been preserved and protected from incursion of the likes of the elderly and handicapped. Those folks are NOT part of the PUBLIC; they are the refuse that just happens if one lives long enough.

Those areas are referred to as Wilderness. The refuse of the elderly and handicapped really have absolutely NO objection to the existence of these areas that exclude them, because that is the kind of people we are. We supported these areas for all of our taxpaying years without remorse because we saw the wisdom in doing so.

There are also millions of acres of PUBLIC land that are not wilderness that we, (the refuse), have also supported for all those years that are NOT wilderness and we selfishly would like to be able to visit it. Now 30 years ago there was no problem. We would just get our 40 pound overweight selves out of our rig and walk a 134 miles so we would not damage habitat or a road that is built to accommodate fully loaded logging trucks.

I understand that the berry picking, skiing, hiking and hunting is permitted and even encouraged in any one of the several Wilderness areas around Seeley Lake. I also understand that the chances of somebody driving up behind you in that area is remote (pun intended).


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