An election is the solution, not lawsuits

SEELEY LAKE - If this sewer was a good idea, users in the district would be ALL for it and it would have been built already. As proposed, it’s dissolved into a decades-long lawyer and lawsuit can-of-worms and getting worse.

After the recent board election, members of the board had a CLOSED meeting to discuss how to manage the influence of two newly elected members who weren’t seated yet. Their solution was a LAWSUIT aimed to stop two new members” from taking any steps that may interrupt the ongoing sewer project.” Seriously? Is this the kind of thinking that’s steering this project?

New members’ views were known by most and were elected because of them. They REPRESENT the community, the people the project is for, and you are asking to pay for this sewer/dream. It’s like the board saying “to hell with you! We’re going to do what we want no matter what. Elections be damned [again].”

Closed meetings and wondering if it’s OK to release minutes of meetings is exactly what guarantees even less public support. Can you all agree the process for this hugely expensive publicly funded project needs to be open, transparent and on-the-record? Why the need to even ask the question?

How much evidence does it take for proponents to finally admit, no matter how bad they want it, by whatever means, maybe this isn’t the right sewer at the right time for the village of Seeley Lake...especially since it’s missing that basic essential requirement: MAJORITY SUPPORT of the community [users]. 

We need a formal election. One that won’t be ignored by the board [this time].


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