The journey continues

Everyone’s life journey fulfills prophecy (Scripture) in one place or another, in or out. The great concern should be in what location?

John/Yohanan 17:21 “So that they all might be one, as You, Father, are in me, and I in You…”

What an in: Father, you in me and me in you. OH how good we have it. FATHER, can we make it that way for all of them that you gave me, they that keep your word? V: 6. I in them and you in me – that would be perfectly yoked. V:23 “I in them, and you in me, so that they might be perfected into one, so that the world knows that you sent Me and have loved them as You have loved me.”

The Word/Torah made flesh wants for you good and not evil. The Spirit of truth works on the thoughts and intents of the heart and by willing consent. He has captured my heart – it’s an inside work. The Spirit is set-apart from the world and in Him separates you to Messiah-likeness.

This is different from a judgmental spirit that would keep you on the outside. To remain on the outside are those who love and do falsehood. They become judgmental of others to never really be on the inside of others.

John 3:17 – Yeshuah came not to judge but to save. This apprehends the heart so that through adoration I want to be like Him. The example that He left as He walked on earth: seventh-day keeping, Feasts keeping, Torah observance; the few will be Messiah-like.

The many will be anti-seventh day, anti-feast, anti-Torah. Don’t be like the many, rather be like the few who follow the Lamb wherever He goeth.

On the day of reckoning that will be the time of judgment and He will not fluff-over unMessiah-like behavior. Judge yourself now (not others) or one will find themselves on the outside. The judgment seat of the Word/Torah made flesh will come sooner or later for everyone. Oh be ready!

Let’s do that.

His to command,

Stephen Moon.


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