Weed District staff available to assist with property management during COVID-19

As we all learn to adjust to the changes that COVID-19 has had on our day-to-day lives, there is one thing that has remained the same: weeds continue to grow! This spring, the weed district has seen a significant increase in calls from landowners and backyard gardeners frustrated by nuisance and noxious weeds getting in the way of their spring projects. And with everyone having to spend a lot more time at home, we wanted to let you know that we will continue to provide you with the information and resources you need to be successful in your (potentially new found) interest in your pasture, backyard or garden.

Each year the weed district fields hundreds of questions on weed and plant identification, weed management options, revegetation recommendations, educational materials, biocontrol requests, new invader treatments, equipment options and any and all other questions related to weeds. We also conduct site visits with landowners across Missoula County to teach them how to identify and manage the plants growing there in a way that meets the goals they have for their land. We do this for free! All you have to do is give us a call and we are happy to set up a time to meet with you, walk your property and answer any questions you have.

While we are here to help with all your vegetation questions, we are also committed to keeping you and our staff safe. We have instituted a number of protocols that will help limit everyone's risk of exposure to COVID-19. The biggest change this year is that the weed district office in Missoula will not be open for walk-in visits. Most of the questions we receive are easier to answer if we can look at the problem with you, where you are dealing with it. We are committed to coming to you rather than making you come to us. If you do need to meet someone at the office, we will do so by appointment only. Please call them ahead of time and schedule an appointment to make sure we will be there to assist you. This is in an effort to cut down on large groups of people gathering in our small office. If you just have a plant sample to drop off at the plant clinic, there will be a drop box out front with directions on how to leave your sample.

Weed district staff will also be adhering to the social distancing recommendations from the CDC, county/city health department and the Governor's office of Montana. So while we won't shake your hand when we show up at your property, we will give you a fist bump! We will also be wearing masks in cases where we are asked or when social distancing guidelines cannot be met. Lastly, weed district staff will not be allowed to ride in your vehicle to tour parts of your property. They are more than happy to walk or drive separately as necessary to answer your questions.

Do you have a question but are unsure of who you need to talk to? No problem! Here is a list of the weed district staff and the most common requests we receive:

To schedule a site visit, identify a plant, get a management recommendation or make a biocontrol request, contact Bryce Christiaens at 406-258-4217

For questions on aquatic invasive species or noxious weed grant programs, contact Lindsey Bona-Eggeman at 258.4219.

For Private Applicator Training and Certification, contact Steffany Rogge-Kindseth at 258.4211.

To report a new invader species or questions on noxious weed seed free forage (NWSFF) contact Chris Mascari at 258.4218.

For questions on weed mapping, contact Jed Little at 258.4220

You can also find us and ask us questions on Instagram @missoulaweeddistrict

We look forward to answering your questions and working with you this weed season! And thank you for helping us keep everyone healthy!


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