Our freedom

I recently went to the hospital for a small procedure. As I entered, two gals checked my temperature and gave me a mask. I consider myself a reasonable person and thought this makes sense in this situation. But I won't spend what few years I have left look'n like Jesse James ready to rob the bank at Northfield, Minn.

Then you have big outfits like Walmart and others open with a lot of folks close together while small independent shops are forced to stay closed and are going bankrupt, losing a life of hard work and even getting arrested. Bad government people in charge of the world over are using this Wuhan virus to take away our freedoms. In Michigan the governor had state police fine hairdressers $1,000 for cutting hair. This shelter-in-place is gett'n old.

All this could end badly if folks are kept locked up and denied their constitutional liberties. The government can only throw so many trillions at the virus before the country goes under. And they sell their souls to Communist China.

I have a fear this virus will be with us in one form or another for a long time. And we will be forced to do something that will border on going against God's word. Was it old Ben Franklin that said, "hang together or hang separately." He also said, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

It's my understanding Christians were once so persecuted they drew a fish in the sand to let others respond if the were followers of the way.

Denominational leaders at this time in history with huge mega churches may have to consider what Jesus said, "Where two or three come together" that's where real fellowship begins and not be picky what church group they come from. Let the Spirit lead.

Most folks have probably not heard of Range magazine. I consider it one of the best. And you may or may not know of a man named Baxter Black DVM. If he could handle a rope like old Will Rogers, why he'd be the best cowboy philosopher since old Will. Anyway go to http://www.rangemagazine.com look up summer 2020 page 40.

Christians need to fast and pray and realize where God is taking us now that the land has been struck with this curse.


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