Never forgotten...

The sound of taps echoed over the traffic passing on Highway 83 as veterans and community members gathered at 11 a.m. Monday, May 25 at the Seeley Lake Veterans Memorial Gardens to honor the fallen.

"For those that gave the ultimate sacrifice, I have the greatest respect and appreciation for their contribution and sacrifice and we are proud to honor them today," said Veterans & Families of Seeley Lake President Barb Knopp. "Take the time, not just on Memorial Day, but every day to take a moment to say thank you to our fallen. To those who never left the battlefields we must hold them up in our own towns and honor their memory. We need to live in gratitude each and every day for the precious gift they have given to us."

At the same time in the Swan Valley, the American Legion Post #63 gathered with the community on Cold Creek Bridge for their Memorial Day wreath ceremony.

This year Linda Guizzo dropped the wreath. She lost her husband Don last February. Don served in the Army National Guard for six years. Linda said she was honored to be the one chosen to drop the wreath this year.

Commander Edward Klassen said there were five veterans with ties to the Swan Valley who passed away last year including Eugene Bond, Randy Styler, Val Hopkins, Thomas Hulett and Don Guizzo.

Klassen said the memorial service was made possible by several members of the community including Grace Siloti who donated the wreath, Pastor Bruce Rippy from Condon Community Church and the American Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Post #63.


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