Al "Doc" Olszewski - Most Qualified Candidate To Lead Montana.

Montana families and businesses may have some difficult times ahead. It’s clear that Al “Doc” Olszewski (R) is the man to serve as Governor. Dr. Al is a Christian, husband, father, Air Force veteran, physician, businessman and state Senator.

I personally know all three of the candidates. Dr. Al is the most qualified and willing to defend our rights. Dr. Al is a patriotic conservative whose life was built on service and sacrifice. He holds the experience of making tough decisions, building coalitions and upholding our U.S. and Montana Constitutions.

As an experienced disaster response surgeon, Dr. Al’s experience is invaluable. We can rest assured, especially during a pandemic, he has the skills to protect our most vulnerable and constitutional rights, at the same time.

Dr. Al has a 100% score with The Montana Family Foundation. He is the only Republican candidate that has not taken any special interest or corporate PAC money. He is the only candidate from who unequivocally opposes Medicaid expansion and the CSKT water compact. Dr. Al has a Lifetime Score of 88% from the American Conservative Union and endorsed by Montanans For Limited Government.

Vote Al “Doc” Olszewski and Ken Bogner. They have our backs.


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