Fire resurfaces burning five acres near Placid Lake

Firefighters responded to a wildland fire south of Placid Lake around 3:15 p.m. Sunday, May 10. Fire Chief Dave Lane said no one was hurt and no structures were threatened. The fire was controlled Sunday night.

According to Lane, the homeowner was burning an anthill on the property a couple days prior to the wildfire. The fire continued to burn underground and resurfaced Sunday afternoon. With the higher temperatures and wind, the fire took off.

The fire grew to five acres burning in grass and stumps. The Seeley Lake Fire Department responded with one engine and five volunteers. The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation sent three engines.

The fire was controlled Sunday evening and the DNRC continued to patrol it Monday.

Lane reminds the public to review their burn permit prior to burning. He said do not burn after hours. Check the pile for heat the following day. If a homeowner is going to burn stumps or other fuel on the ground, dig a deep hole or a trench around the burn area to inhibit the fire from creeping away from the burn site.


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