Monica Tranel for PSC

Monica Tranel is a highly skilled lawyer who specializes in utility law and has practiced in front of the Public Service Commission (PSC) and in the courtroom defending consumers. 

She is full of energy. A two-time competitor in the Olympics, Tranel won a World Championship Gold for the U.S. Women’s Rowing Team. She will be the first Commissioner in years representing Montanans and not the giant corporations who shamelessly extort Montana’s utility customers with totally unwarranted rate hikes. Tranel will also be a powerful advocate for renewable, non-polluting, cheaper energy.

The PSC is not widely understood but it is very important, because it sets the rates that we pay for utilities, like electricity, etc. The current Commission takes its marching orders from the utilities which they are supposed to regulate with no regard for us, the end customers.

Tranel’s motto, “Montanans shouldn’t feel the impacts of a dysfunctional PSC in their pocketbooks or on their monthly bills. It’s inexcusable to hold Montana hostage to last century’s technology and shareholder profits.”

Her opponent is 22 years old and has zero experience in power generation, accounting or law.

Please join me in supporting Monica Tranel for PSC.


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