Concerns over school closure

To the Seeley Lake Elementary School Board

Yesterday, I was informed that SLE will not resume as usual for the remaining school semester. Two of my grandchildren are currently receiving home schooling as required.

One of my questions is how are you holding students accountable for handwriting and math assignments? Are these assignments graded and by what standard reflect your expectations?

Another concern is how are the students being evaluated to determine they are ready to advance to the next grade? How are you ensuring students are passing with confidence and not being ushered through?

Not all the students in SLE have a home-schooling environment that supports what is being taught in the classrooms. Not all students have parents/guardians that have the patience to oversee their children’s work nor the education to understand what is being required.

Math does not come easy for many children and repetition is necessary to reinforce the basics. This is not well received by most children and can be very challenging for both teacher and parent.

If there are requirements our students are not fulfilling, please address those issues so we as parents, grandparents and guardians will know where our children are faltering. When Superintendent Daniel Schrock drew attention to the statewide scores and not meeting a national average, I was alarmed. How are the SLE School Board, teachers and counselors meeting this need? Here is an excerpt from Re: Seeley Lake Elementary.

“Test scores at this school are about the same as the state average, though still below the top-performing schools in the state. Because test scores in some states are so low, many students at this school may not be performing at grade level.”

I don’t understand why the school board doesn’t reopen, to evaluate and assess each student and determine that they are truly ready to advance to the next level.


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