Sheriff's public safety update

It's an honor and privilege to serve resilient communities willing to take steps to overcome whatever challenge is before them.

The Sheriff's Office and Detention Center are also working to meet the challenges of this pandemic to minimize impacts to our communities. The flexibility and great work by our patrol deputies, detectives, detention staff, administrative staff and search and rescue volunteers has allowed us to continue to protect and serve, complete time-sensitive civil process, issue warrants, process online Concealed Weapon Permits, maintain a healthy jail and other vital services.

Early planning and consideration, not only of the well-being of our staff, but our commitment to safeguarding the lives and property of our communities, has allowed implementation of a work schedule permitting personnel, not just those identified as at risk, to work from home while maintaining an active workforce within the office and in our communities. Wellness stations were set up and implemented for all staff, in all locations, to observe their temperature, consider their well-being and self-assess if they have any symptoms that could have an impact, not only on co-workers, but on the public they serve.

On March 18, I worked closely with the Board of County Commissioners, exercising and adopting an emergency resolution to stop detaining individuals who have been charged, but not convicted, of non-violent misdemeanor offenses under state laws and/or city ordinances.

Other counties followed the forward thinking of the March 18 resolution and soon implemented similar operating procedures. Implementation has provided a consistent jail population, reduced the risk to offenders and detention staff who supervise them and follows CDC guidelines for screening, increased cleaning, social distancing and quarantine if needed. To date there have been no positive cases of COVID-19 at the detention facility.

Deputies continue to respond to all in-progress incidents along with all emergencies and have been supplied with recommended personal protective equipment. Generous donations from Montgomery Distillery and Mostad Construction have enhanced our current supplies and we are grateful for their generosity.

To limit exposure and adhere to social distancing guidelines, deputies are responding to non-emergency calls by phone. At all times, deputies respond in-person if the situation cannot be resolved by phone.

We care about the well-being of your family and understand the stress of not being able to contact them, especially if they are in a remote location. Deputies are available to respond and check on the welfare of your family member if the need arises.

You can also contact the office by phone. The main phone line for the reception desk continues to be staffed during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, to answer non-emergent questions.

As we move through these next weeks and months, we will continue to take steps to take care of our people so they can continue to serve and protect you. We will get through this together!


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