"…not my will, but Thy will be done." Luke 22:42

Synopsis: God made us to know, love and serve Him and to gain eternal happiness with Him in heaven. God’s grace saves us through faith, when we do His will. With sin we disobey and offend God. God sent His dearly beloved Son, Jesus, who founded His universal/Catholic Church. Jesus’ willing sacrifice on the cross paid the price for our sins and restored our right relationship with God; Jesus’ resurrection restored our life. By God’s justice, through His Sacraments and Masses, everyone owes a grave debt of worship and thanksgiving to Him.

Pandemic struck: We were locked out of Church. Why, God?...

• (Sacrament of Holy Orders)

Before pandemic: Perhaps we needed to pray and fast more for a holy hierarchy.

Now: All are called to holiness.

• (Sacrament of Baptism)

Before pandemic: Perhaps we postponed baptism, leaving souls slaves to the devil. (Baptism is being born again of water and Spirit, cleanses sins, is required for heaven.)

Now: Cooperate with the Spirit of Truth.

• (Sacrament of Reconciliation)

Before pandemic: Perhaps we needed repentance. (Jesus, through the priest, absolves confessed sins and with prayer, penance and integrity our right relationship with God is restored. All sins are forgivable.)

Now: Jesus paid a great price for us; “Glorify Him in your body.”

• (Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist)

Before pandemic: Perhaps we lacked faith, had unclean hearts that received Jesus in the Holy Eucharist without proper disposition.

Now: Jesus longs to pour His sacramental grace into our souls without obstacles blocking Him.

• (Sacrament of Confirmation)

Before pandemic: Perhaps we were spiritually absent during Confirmation formation.

Now: Enhance faith by searching Catholic online/TV, radio and books.

• (Sacrament of Matrimony)

Before pandemic: Perhaps weddings were celebrated ‘our way’ opposing God’s Way.

Now: Weddings belong in Church with sacred vows before God, the Author of marriage, and between one man, one woman.

• (Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick)

Before pandemic: Perhaps we hesitated to call a priest.

Now: Receive Jesus’ saving grace channeled through His Sacraments.

Perhaps God, with grace and mercy, is chastising us by permitting the pandemic ‘plague’ because we neglect, disregard or slight His teachings and commands. In Scripture chastisement ceased when souls repented, believed, trusted, were thankful and worshiped God.

Jesus said, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you…my flesh is meat indeed:…” (John 6:22-[53-56]-72).

Christ Jesus, through the Catholic priest, confects the Holy Eucharist (thanksgiving) by changing the bread and wine into the literal Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ whose glory remains veiled under the appearances of bread and wine. Jesus’ one-time, bloody Sacrifice on the cross is re-presented (presented again) from eternity as an unbloody offering to the Father, for our communion and for adoration. Is this miracle hard to believe considering the miracles of God creating the entire universe?

Not my will, but Thy Will, which is Love and Mercy itself.


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