Those mules

Out 'N The Woods Again

There are those like Virgil Burns you could call "mule men." I've had several but wouldn't call myself a "mule man." Often I reasoned who had the smarts - me or the mule?

Take Festus for instance. He's gone now but the good memories linger. For ya see Festus was as close to perfect as a mule could be: catch anywhere, never offer to kick, stand like a rock to mount and dismount, had a gait second to none, ya could tie his ears into a knot... Yes-sir-ree ol' Festus was almost perfect.

But he had one bad habit.

About feed time he'd paw and paw. I mean he'd dig a hole. So I put rubber mats under the hitch rack. Hobbled him in the hills but he'd even paw then. Sure was aggravating.

I was on the deck one day about an hour before feed'n. I looked down into the corral and there was old excavator go'n at it. Then the idea hit me - the dog's shock collar.

I quick adjusted it to fit his leg, went back up on the deck, control in hand, ready with the red button. Sure enough the paw'n started. I hit the red zone and ol' Festus jumped back, snorted and looked around. All was quiet down there, so the paw'n proceeded. Red zone again. This time he did a pirouette.

He stood look'n at the left foot where the collar was and then started to paw with the right foot. Dumb animal, right?

I let him have it again, this time he moved to the end of the corral and behaved himself. Yup, as long as the collar was on him he behaved. But as soon as you took it off he's up to his old tricks.

I just surrendered.

There's a lot of folks that don't know in Biblical times kings rode mules. Horses were instruments of war. Can ya just picture trying to ride a mule into battle? One look at all those spears and swords and they'd be head'n for the barn. Self preservation would take control.

King David's renegade son Absalom was rid'n David's mule and the mule apparently didn't like the looks of the battle and dove under a thick oak tree. Absalom, who was so handsome with his mop of hair got snagged in the branches and ol' mule just kept go'n. There hung the helpless Absalom and was run through by Joab. You can read about it there in 2 Samuel 18.

I've not many years left to ride. Sure would like to find me another Festus. I miss that ol' mule!


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