POTOMAC - With a team of 10, the Potomac girls basketball team came through the season with three regular season wins and one tournament game win. The coaches felt the season went well and agreed that there was a lot of growth in the players.
The Pioneer A and B teams were comprised of three fifth graders, two sixth graders, two seventh graders and three eighth graders.
Beth Copenhaver and Christie Taillefer coached the teams this year. Potomac basketball mom Jessie Salter also helped out behind the scenes as well as some high school students from Potomac who served as team mentors.
Throughout the practices, the coaches employed drills for endurance.
"There is a lot of movement while [the team] is out there on the court," Copenhaver said.
The Pioneers had a small team but Copenhaver said they all stepped up, worked hard and grew together as a team.
Copenhaver said she came out of the season experiencing growth as well. Since Copenhaver is used to coaching boys teams, she said it was a new experience.
She said, "With certain life lessons you look back, no matter your age, you remember the bonds you have made and not the wins or losses."
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